MedEast is a Non-Governmental Organization
  • Licensed by the KRG Directorates of NGOs
  • Prepares proposals for funding from governments and foreign NGOs
  • Uses funds for projects and for building its own capacity
  • Does not take a profit for its work
  • Engages in research, training, and service
  • Brings innovative ideas and technologies
  • Fills gaps in governmental services for the under-served


Total funding from major grants


Dr. Paul Kingery

Summary of MedEast Grants

Netherlands, November 1, 2014 to October 31, 2015, 315,613 Euros (completed)
WASH, Winterization, Food, Fuel for Yezidi IDPs in Seje and Bozan Villages
Corrine Verdoold, Netherlands, c.verdoold@zoa.nl

US, March 11, 2015 for 8 weeks, $30,000 (completed)
Food Aid to Seje and Bozan Villages to Yezidi and Christian IDPs
Jason Kerner, jason.kerner@mercy.se

Sep 23, 2015 for 8 weeks, $227,271 (completed)
Kerosene, heaters, vegetables and fruit, wheelchairs for Sinjari Yezidi Outreach and Relief
Marc Conners, mc@rsmx.com.

US, April 29, 2017 to October 31, 2017, $40,000 (completed)
Construction of Safe Home for Yezidi survivors of ISIS captivity and rape
David L. Meyer, USA, DMeyer@jmmwo.org, www.handofhope.org

US, May 18, 2017 to May 17, 2018, $40,000 (completed)
Construction of Safe Home for Yezidi survivors of ISIS captivity and rape
Angie VanDoren, Hampton, Virginia, avandoren@icm.org, www.icm.org

US, September 22, 2017, $5,000 (completed)
Construction of Safe Home for Yezidi survivors of ISIS captivity and rape
William C. Schweinfurth, Portland, Oregon, (818) 262-9117, williamschweinfurth@gmail.com

US, May 1, 2017 to Sept. 22, 2018, $150,830 (ongoing)
Construction of Safe Home for Yezidi survivors of ISIS captivity and rape
Support for Women/Girls/Children/Babies for ongoing residential care
Jason Law, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA. jason@worldcompassion.tv, (918-492-2858) www.worldcompassion.tv 

US, September 17, 2017 to September 16, 2018, $41,551 (ongoing)
Construction of Safe Home for Yezidi survivors of ISIS captivity and rape
Livelihood projects in sewing, spinning, and sheep wool production
Willy Tan, Los Angeles, California, USA, tanongwee@habibi-international.org, www.habibi-international.org

Switzerland, November 1, 2014 to September 31, 2018, $170,000 (ongoing)
Establishing public school in Seje Village, English and Computing instruction in Seje Village
Construction of Safe Home for Yezidi survivors of ISIS captivity and rape
Hong Kong, China, www.chinacareinternational.com

US, November 1, 2016 to September 22, 2017, $17,342 (ongoing)
Construction of Safe Home for Yezidi survivors of ISIS captivity and rape
Marshall Wise, Richmond, Kentucky, marshalltwise@hotmail.com

Finland, October 1, 2018 to Sept 22, 2018, $13,025 (ongoing)
Food in Safe Home for Yezidi survivors of ISIS captivity and rape in Seje Village
Ville Mänistö, Vima@supersoution.net

US, June 20, 2017 to October 22, 2018, $24,500 (ongoing)
Furnishing and operating Safe Home for Yezidi survivors of ISIS captivity and rape in Seje Village
Leslie R Strayer, lchaser77@gmail.com

Additional Grant Projects

Supervised by Dr. Paul Kingery through Other Local NGOs

Principal Investigator (2014).  Reducing Gender-based Violence and Harassment among Syrian Refugees in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region ($414,826).  Through Warvin Foundation for Women’s Issues, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.  Project on reducing violence among female Syrian refugees in urban areas of the Kurdistan Region.  (completed)

Principal Investigator (2014).  Access to Justice for War Widows ($94,000).  Through Warvin Foundation for Women’s Issues, Sinjar and Dohuk, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.  Project on helping war widows gain their financial and documentation rights by law through home visitation, awareness, mass media, and mobile legal clinics.  (completed)

Principal Investigator (2010). Kurd, Arab, Yezidi, and Christian Communities in Northern Iraq:  A fresh look at the prospects for post-conflict peace-building, ($87,541).  Through International Negotiation Institute, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.  Project on using role-play and discussion groups for reducing inter-ethnic bias in the disputed areas in Iraq.  (completed)

Principal Investigator for Erbil component (2009)., through Louis Berger Group, and through International Negotiation Institute, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq ($215,471).  Assisting Small Business Development Centers with formalizing their business operations and reaching sustainability. (completed)

Principal Investigator for Erbil component (2009), through Louis Berger Group, and through International Negotiation Institute, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq, ($264,775).  Assisting focus groups of specialized agribusiness owners in learning from one another and from international experts to improve production.  (Completed)

Principal Investigator for Erbil component (2009), through Louis Berger Group,  and through International Negotiation Institute, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq. ($69,012). Training small groups of new beef cattle producers in the basics of production.  (completed)

Principal Investigator (2009), through Louis Berger Group, and through International Negotiation Institute, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq ($99,968), Assisting small and medium sized agribusinesses in Iraq with modern business techniques. (completed)

Consultant (2004-2005), Pacific Resources for Education and Learning, U.S. Department of Education. (completed)

Principal Investigator (2005-2008). through Pacific Resources for Education and Learning, and through University of Hawaii College of Education, Honolulu, Hawaii ($54,843). (completed)

Principal Investigator (2004-2008), ($390,213). University of Hawaii College of Education, Honolulu, Hawaii. (completed)

Principal Investigator (2004-2008). ($934,632). University of Hawaii College of Education, Honolulu, Hawaii.  (completed)

Principal Investigator (1998-2002) ($15.5 million over 5 years). The George Washington University Washington, D.C. (completed)

Principal Investigator (2001-2002) Hamilton Fish National Institute on School and Community Violence, ($ 3 million) The George Washington University Washington, D.C. (completed)

School Cyber-crime Prevention Project. Principal Investigator (2001-2002), through the Business Software Alliance Washington, D.C. $200,000). (completed)

Principal Investor (1999-2000). Survey of State-Wide School Incident Reporting Statistics  ($85,000), Educational Statistics Series, Inc. (completed)

Senior Research Associate (1996-98) National Center for the Advancement of Prevention Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (DHHS) ($4.5 million per year for 5 years). Alan Cohen, Washington, D.C. (completed)

Coinvestigator (1995-96) Violence Prevention among Inner-City African-American Youth in 2 Lexington census tracts ($80,000) Rebecca Mercier, Principal Investigator Lexington/Fayette Co Dept. of Social Services (completed)